Sunday, January 27, 2013

On growing old together

We've been together twenty-five years, and I'm starting to repeat the stories I tell her. The other day it was the same one about the lady climbing over the fence behind the motel while I sat watching during physical therapy. I know I've told her that one before. Something compels the re-telling.

Friday, January 25, 2013


When you gain weight, it's like your pants say, "Fuck you."

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Ever notice how many thoughts are judgemental? Is there an off switch for that crap? Beginning to think I exist in the spaces in between my thoughts. I'm no longer in love with my intellect. Not only that, but I don't really believe half the things I think.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


In my dreams last night, I was wandering around looking for something to do. Everyone but me had a job and was working away at it. Seemed like I ought to be doing something, but nothing jumped out at me.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Time Crunch

The engines of nothingness are very busy this time of day.

Voicemail Poem # 010713

Hello state this: Harry problems
And I'm missing something out of Houston.
We had a hard that was delivered.
I was. I want to know more.
Yeah it was a mistake on or we had tried to.
Cleared up over the holidays.

We did not get back to it
And all that was not what we ordered her.
We are stressed with the range
Some trial Ashcraft with the range of--
He did not get a minute week.

Just call US. Thank you.
Your caller hung up, yeah.