Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Spooky salesman stories, just in time for Halloween.

Just doing my normal thing, calling customers up to see if they received a catalog that I sent earlier via email.

I get to this one customer, and I think, "Hmm... better send that one again using my personal Gmail account." Sometimes emails sent from our Customer Relationship Manager web application will get sent to a customer's Spam folder. In this particular instance, I get the appropriate documents attached to the email. I then realize I haven't even called the customer yet. Well that is just silly. I leave the window open and call the customer. Sure enough, he has not received the catalog, which I sent a couple weeks ago. I explain that sometimes I need to send the info from my personal email account, and that I will get this right over to him. Hit Send on the aforementioned Gmail window. And then sit here wondering.

A year or two ago, I was getting ready to call a customer. Well, not a customer, actually a prospective customer. Then this weird thing happened. I can only describe it as a sort of confusion that descended over me. It seemed like the guy should have an order in the system. Our CRM software shows if someone has ever ordered from us. Lists all their previous orders, in fact. I didn't understand why there were no orders associated with this customer. Hadn't he just ordered? I called the guy up, and he placed an order with me, his first order with us. I finished writing up the order, then went back to my CRM screen to make notes. Why didn't it show his order on the right hand part of the screen. I had that deja vu feelling... I was in the exact same space I'd been in before the call. That same hazy and befuddled feeling. I remembered that you have to refresh the CRM screen for orders to show up. I hit refresh, and there was the order, as I'd expected it all along (before I'd made the sales call that resulted in the first order.

Is it possible that a part of our consciousness peeks around the corner of the present moment? You're about to step out into the street, but a funny feeling makes you pause, and a car blows through the red light at forty miles per hour.

Or is it that a gentle expectation can bend the malleable fibers of the universe in a certain direction?

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